• The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Personal consult

    55,00 Incl. BTW
    Book een personal appointment with Ciska van der Veer on-line. We make a movement plan with excercice and play to practice for you and your child(ren) for learning and development. It will help to improve development of learning skills. Also for teachers and proffesionals who want to get started with learning through movements. A visit to the office in Hommerts ( the Netherlands) is also posible.
  • Slug

    7,00 Incl. BTW
    To play with this colorful slug helps to concentrate, sit stille en reduces stress. The slug feels good in the hand and is very flexible.
  • Sensory buis

    8,00 Incl. BTW
    Kijk en luister hoe de balletjes door de buis gaan. Prachtige en rustgevende ervaring.
  • It is nice for children to feel a letter. What is the shape and from which sides can you look at a letter. If a child has trouble learning letters, then this letterbox is the solution. For sculptors and children with dyslexia, making words with physical letters is a must. There are 58 letters in the box.
  • Emotion dolls

    8,00 Incl. BTW
    Show your emotion with the dolls, that's easier then to say it. Do you feel sad, angry, scared or happy? To use at home, in the classroom or practice. Available in set of 4 dolls .
  • Mushroom lamp

    4,00 Incl. BTW
    This cute lamp gives warm light in different collors. The lamp does not get warm on the outside so children can carry them anywhere. To never be afraid in the dark!
  • Tangram

    12,00 Incl. BTW
    Go and make all kind of shapes. This stimulates visual skills and spatial awereness. Also eye hand coordination is beieng practised while playing with tangram. Play an learning through movements.
  • Caleidoscoop

    5,00 Incl. BTW
    Kijken door deze mooie houten caleidoscoop en de wereld wordt magisch! Oogspieren ontwikkelen tijdens de kinderjaren dus we willen de ogen al spelend uitdagen.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • ABC cards

    18,00 Incl. BTW
    With this ABC you make the letters of the alphabet with your own body. By learning with the body the infomation has a different dimension then learning through sight only. The cards are in A5 format.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Balance board

    18,00 Incl. BTW
    Balance is important for the motory development, playing on the blance board helps improve. Stand up or sit and keep your balance. Try stand on one leg or with your eyes closed.
  • Tweezer grip package

    4,00 Incl. BTW
    With this nice package your child can practise to strengthen the finger muscles. Even develop coordination and fine motor skills. All the prepare for writing at school. Now with free download.
  • Time table mandala

    23,95 Incl. BTW
    Visualize the time table on this beautiful wooden table mandala. Each table has it's own pattern, learing will be more fun to do. Is your child a visual learner? Help him with this beautiful time table mandala.
  • Beweegpakket voor lezen

    159,00 Incl. BTW
    Wil jij "bewegend leren" thuis toepassen voor je kind zodat hij beter gaat lezen? Start nu met dit volledig pakket. Een uitgebreid beweegpakket waarin alle ontwikkelgebieden aan bod komen voor een stevig basis. Al spelend gaan jullie aan de slag met de motoriek. Doordat het brein ontwikkelt via bewegen en spelen wordt lezen makkelijker. Met de bijgevoegde instructies kun je meteen aan de slag!
  • Do you want to get started with moving learning and are you looking for ideas? With this teaching method you have a reasoned range of lessons for an entire school year. Whether you want to work with moving learning in the classroom, outside or individually, you will find it all in this clear folder. All development areas are covered and the SLO goals that you have to tick off at the end of the school year are incorporated in this teaching method. A tracking system makes it complete so that you can register the progress of children. The method can be downloaded as a PDF but can also be ordered as a folder so that you can easily browse and have a better overview.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Affirmatie kaartjes

    2,00 Incl. BTW
    Je zelf kennen en positief denken helpt enorm om goed te leren. Deze leuke kaartjes helpen hierbij. Geef je kind een kaartje voor de dag om stil te staan bij deze affirmatie of laat hem zelf een kiezen. Print zoveel je wilt voor de hele klas, er zijn 32 verschillende kaartjes. Je kunt een kind ook blind een kaartje laten trekken, hij kiest dan onbewust diegene waar hij wat van kan leren.
  • Time timer

    10,00 Incl. BTW
    Your child knows exactly how much time there is left for diner, homework, tv or bedtime. Gives clarity when a child can't tell time. When the red turns white competly times up !
  • Lezen met kleuren

    18,00 Incl. BTW
    Lezen met kleuren kan heel fijn zijn of rustgevend omdat het contrast niet zo groot is als zwart/wit. Het is belangrijk uit te vinden welke kleur de meest prettige is. Ga niet uit van een lievelingskleur maar kijk en vergelijk. Dit is per persoon dus een andere kleur. Wat voor de een fijn is kan de ander irriteren. De kleuren kaarten zijn als set van 7 te bestellen en per kleur.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Hedgehog ball

    4,95 Incl. BTW
    You can use these balls to massage but also to squize. For grip and coordination of the hands it is good to hold, squize and let go. To stimulatie body awereness, massage underneath the feet, on the back and tummy and arms/legs. Try to pick up the ball with your foot, this is important when there are still primaiary reflexes in the feet.
  • Template boards

    18,00 Incl. BTW
    These set of 5 template boards are a part of the e-learing "writing through movements". They will be used to practice the right pencil grip and to train the finger muscles. By stimulating the fine motorskills in combination with more different movements writing will improve.
  • Pop-it ball

    4,95 Incl. BTW
    This colorful ball gives hours of entertainment. Press and release of the pops. Of course you can throw and catch.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Reaction ball

    4,50 Incl. BTW
    This ball bounces unexpected. Through the shape of the ball, it falls on an angle so you don't know where to. Extra hard to catch so a real challenge. Very good for developping eye and hand coordination. Let's try out!
  • Lezen met 1 kleur

    3,00 Incl. BTW
    Lezen met kleuren kan heel fijn zijn of rustgevend omdat het contrast niet zo groot is als zwart/wit. Het is belangrijk uit te vinden welke kleur de meest prettige is. Ga niet uit van een lievelingskleur maar kijk en vergelijk. Dit is per persoon dus een andere kleur. Wat voor de een fijn is kan de ander irriteren. De kleuren kaarten zijn als set van 7 verschillende kleuren te bestellen of per stuk.  
  • Bouncer toy

    4,50 Incl. BTW
    This bouncer toy teaches you to catch while havind fun. Je put the toy inside out and drop it on the floor. He jumps right up, can you catch it? Good for tee eye-hand coordination.
  • Hand massage balls.

    6,00 Incl. BTW
    Improve writing with a good controle over hands and fingers. Rotate the balls in your hands and you'll get a nice massage. Rotate left and right and change hands. Works great with kramped hands and when there are active palmreflexes during writing.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Laterality board

    46,00 Incl. BTW
    Laterality board This board is a must for every classroom and childpractise. For children till 8 years old, or older when laterality is not yet fully developped. Having a hard time with reading, maths or writing? Find out if the laterality is optimal developped yet. And use the board to practise the fun way.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Glasses with holes

    6,00 Incl. BTW
    When you read through these glasses your eyes need to focus to look through the holes and so you're training the eye muscles. To train the eye muscles it will improve the use of your eyes better. This stimulates the collaboration of the eye muscles and the read-follow-movement. You'll have to find out if it's works for reading, it is not for all children and in all situations. Looking through te holes needs better focus so you stay on the line while reading.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Flashlight

    2,50 Incl. BTW
    Price is per piece and available in different colors. Red, blue, green, orange and yellow. Comment the color during the order.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Het complete pakket om de oogspieren te ontwikkelen zodat kinderen goed kunnen lezen. Samenwerking van de oogspieren is belangrijk om de leesbeweging te maken en goed van schrift naar schoolbord kunnen schakelen. Met dit pakket krijg je instructies en maar liefst 10 verschillende oefeningen met bijbehorende materialen om aan de slag te gaan. Je kunt checken welke vordering je kind maakt.
  • Blow whirligig

    6,00 Incl. BTW
    To speak clearly a good mouth motor skill is needed By blowing you can train the muscles needed by talking. This beautiful whirligig turns while blowing at it from the top. He stays on the lid because of the magnet. You can also use the whirligig by twist with th fingers, wich is good for fne motor skills.
  • Sale!

    Lesson folder with exercise programs (Digital)

    Original price was: €165,00.Current price is: €150,00. Incl. BTW
    Do you want to get started with moving learning and are you looking for ideas? With this teaching method you have a reasoned range of lessons for an entire school year. Whether you want to work with moving learning in the classroom, outside or individually, you will find it all in this clear folder. All development areas are covered and the SLO goals that you have to tick off at the end of the school year are incorporated in this teaching method. A tracking system makes it complete so that you can register the progress of children. The method can be downloaded as a PDF but can also be ordered as a folder so that you can easily browse and have a better overview.
  • Cube shape

    7,50 Incl. BTW
    With these colorful cube you can make many different shapes. Make all the shape on the cards and develop spatial awereness. The cube shape consists of 12 silicone straws who are connected as a cube.
  • Pencil with figure

    2,50 Incl. BTW
    With this beautiful pencil writing gives much pleasure. The happy poppet moves along while writing. Handy to use if the eyes can make the readmovement. Keep the pencil on reading distance of the eyes and move slowly to left and right. Watch if both eyes can follow the figure without moving the head.
  • To follow instructions in a classroom you need an auditory memory. Can you child repeat a sequence of 3 of 4 numbers? Make it visual and add a movement with both hands so you can learn to remember. Print the download with instructions and start right away.
  • Ball on rope

    6,00 Incl. BTW
    Hang the ball above the floor about 1 meter. Child lays staight underneath the ball with their head. Let the ball move sideways slowly. The child follows the movement with the eyes while the head lays still. Don't practice longer then the eyes can handle. This is a good exercice for the eyes wich helps for eye movement needed by reading. Also a good use of this ball is throw and catch, for eye hand coordination. Because of the cord the ball stays close.
  • Wooden catch game

    4,50 Incl. BTW
    This beautiful wooden catching game is fun to play with. Hold the stem of the flower and move in a way the ball lands on top. Practice eye- hand coordination wich helps for development the cognitive skills.
  • The Floor says..

    3,00 Incl. BTW
    This activity is a must for children who're starting with math and for those who find math still difficult. The number line gets meaning and kids learn wich place each number has in the row. Children also learn how to move on the line with plus and minus soms. Concepts as more/less, before/after/in between, and more will get practised. And above all, have fun while learning. Learning through movements helps the brain to develop coginitve skills. Understand iwith the body =understand in the brain!
  • Learing time tables by movement. Learn the time table with only the numbers belonging to the table. Let children make their own pattern and direction. You can stand on the tall numbers or put small numbers on the table. Practice in the pattern and when it's learned close your eyes and remember through visualisation.
  • Math fidget

    4,50 Incl. BTW
    playing and doing you math at the same time with this nice fidget. Turn to make a calculation Math never has been so much fun.
  • Schrijfles zonder letters

    39,00 Incl. BTW
    Schrijfles zonder letters is een methode om de motoriek van de handen en vingers te verbeteren. In 8 weken met slechts 10 minuten oefenen per dag zie je enorme verbetering in het vasthouden van het potlood en het handschrift van een kind. Leren door bewegen is de sleutel. Veel plezier met deze unieke schrijfles.  
  • Lolly sticks

    4,00 Incl. BTW
    Free with your order by mail. Not with the order of downloads. Making patterns with these nice colorfol lolly stick. It stimulates fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, visilbility and concentration.
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