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  • Balance board

    18,00 Incl. BTW
    Balance is important for the motory development, playing on the blance board helps improve. Stand up or sit and keep your balance. Try stand on one leg or with your eyes closed.
  • Beweegpakket voor lezen

    159,00 Incl. BTW
    Wil jij "bewegend leren" thuis toepassen voor je kind zodat hij beter gaat lezen? Start nu met dit volledig pakket. Een uitgebreid beweegpakket waarin alle ontwikkelgebieden aan bod komen voor een stevig basis. Al spelend gaan jullie aan de slag met de motoriek. Doordat het brein ontwikkelt via bewegen en spelen wordt lezen makkelijker. Met de bijgevoegde instructies kun je meteen aan de slag!
  • Hand massage balls.

    6,00 Incl. BTW
    Improve writing with a good controle over hands and fingers. Rotate the balls in your hands and you'll get a nice massage. Rotate left and right and change hands. Works great with kramped hands and when there are active palmreflexes during writing.
  • Movement cards

    2,00 Incl. BTW
    Get children started to move and discover wich postures the body can make. A good stimulation of body awereness and gross motor skills. Print the cards, then children can start indepedently to work new postures. Nice to do in front of the mirror. Leuk om te doen voor de spiegel.
  • Hedgehog ball

    4,95 Incl. BTW
    You can use these balls to massage but also to squize. For grip and coordination of the hands it is good to hold, squize and let go. To stimulatie body awereness, massage underneath the feet, on the back and tummy and arms/legs. Try to pick up the ball with your foot, this is important when there are still primaiary reflexes in the feet.
  • Do you want to get started with moving learning and are you looking for ideas? With this teaching method you have a reasoned range of lessons for an entire school year. Whether you want to work with moving learning in the classroom, outside or individually, you will find it all in this clear folder. All development areas are covered and the SLO goals that you have to tick off at the end of the school year are incorporated in this teaching method. A tracking system makes it complete so that you can register the progress of children. The method can be downloaded as a PDF but can also be ordered as a folder so that you can easily browse and have a better overview.
  • Sale!

    Lesson folder with exercise programs (Digital)

    Original price was: €165,00.Current price is: €150,00. Incl. BTW
    Do you want to get started with moving learning and are you looking for ideas? With this teaching method you have a reasoned range of lessons for an entire school year. Whether you want to work with moving learning in the classroom, outside or individually, you will find it all in this clear folder. All development areas are covered and the SLO goals that you have to tick off at the end of the school year are incorporated in this teaching method. A tracking system makes it complete so that you can register the progress of children. The method can be downloaded as a PDF but can also be ordered as a folder so that you can easily browse and have a better overview.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
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