Downloads en leerprogramma’s

  • ABC Lemniscate

    1,00 Incl. BTW
    The lemniscate helps with pre writing. When you can repeatedly draw this figure on a white paper you've got the writing direction skill. This beautiful PDF helps to practise and makes the direction hoe to make letters visual. The lemniscate also helps develop eye muscles to read/follow and develops the brain to get ready for learning. Thisproduct is a pdf to download.
  • Learn to cut

    2,00 Incl. BTW
    Learn to cut is never been so nice with these practise sheets! There're 20 different patterns to cut inclusive theme "seasons". This pdf is to download and print as many times as you want. To use for lefthanded an righthanded cutters.
  • With these sheets you can practice endlessly to develop laterality. Download the pdf and print 20 different sheets. You can use a lid to swipe over the paper or draw on the paper after laminate the sheets The practice sheets are increasing in difficulty. Have fun practice. The product is a download and not inclusive the markers and lids.
  • With these practice sheet you can cross the midline endlessly and develop this skill. Download the pdf and print 8 different sheets at 24 pages. You can use a lid to swipe over the paper or draw on the paper after laminate the sheets The practice sheets are increasing in difficulty. Have fun practice. The product is a download and not inclusive the markers and lids.
  • Practise sheets visual

    2,00 Incl. BTW
    With this activity you're training the collaboration of the eye muscles in a fun way. When you read the eye muscles are active to follow the line, to focus and to give a correct image to the brain. Print the documents, put the matching sheets on top of each other and laminate together. Use a flashlight with a small light. Shine underneath the sheet and the lines become visual. Start tracking!
  • Movement cards

    2,00 Incl. BTW
    Get children started to move and discover wich postures the body can make. A good stimulation of body awereness and gross motor skills. Print the cards, then children can start indepedently to work new postures. Nice to do in front of the mirror. Leuk om te doen voor de spiegel.
  • Learing time tables by movement. Learn the time table with only the numbers belonging to the table. Let children make their own pattern and direction. You can stand on the tall numbers or put small numbers on the table. Practice in the pattern and when it's learned close your eyes and remember through visualisation.
  • Walk the route from bottom to top with both fingers. The dog goes through the bones to the doghouse. Helps to develop eye-hand coordination and laterality. Print the pdf and get started right away. There are different routes in direction and difficulty.
  • Practice sheets direction

    2,00 Incl. BTW
    Download this pfd and print the cards and circles. Put 16 circles on the floor with 1 start circle and 1 finish as shown on the route card. Walk the route on the map from start to finish through arrows, numbers or letters. There are 24 route cards with difference in difficulty. Give the child the card in his hand when the child does not turn his body whille stepping. So he steps aside, to the back and in front. When the child does turn his body and steps only forward put the card on the floor while walking the route.
  • Arrow game

    2,00 Incl. BTW
    Children learn about up/down and left/right in this unique game. Print the dots with arrows, cards and the template. Pick the right color, turn the dot in the direction as shown and place it on the right spot. Print it all twice and make a competition who has the dots on the right spot first. Nice patterns to copy in different levels. So print, laminate and play!
  • Affirmatie kaartjes

    2,00 Incl. BTW
    Je zelf kennen en positief denken helpt enorm om goed te leren. Deze leuke kaartjes helpen hierbij. Geef je kind een kaartje voor de dag om stil te staan bij deze affirmatie of laat hem zelf een kiezen. Print zoveel je wilt voor de hele klas, er zijn 32 verschillende kaartjes. Je kunt een kind ook blind een kaartje laten trekken, hij kiest dan onbewust diegene waar hij wat van kan leren.
  • Move both hands at the same time is a good practice for lateralisation. Put your brain at work by making different movements with both hands at the same time! Connection in the brain are made wich are essential for learning. Download the sheets and print them, trying is learning.
  • To follow instructions in a classroom you need an auditory memory. Can you child repeat a sequence of 3 of 4 numbers? Make it visual and add a movement with both hands so you can learn to remember. Print the download with instructions and start right away.
  • Beweeg ABC download

    3,00 Incl. BTW
    Learning with your body with this beautiful ABC. By making letters with the body you stimulate the brain not only visual but also through proprioception. The ABC contains all capital and small letters.
  • The Floor says..

    3,00 Incl. BTW
    This activity is a must for children who're starting with math and for those who find math still difficult. The number line gets meaning and kids learn wich place each number has in the row. Children also learn how to move on the line with plus and minus soms. Concepts as more/less, before/after/in between, and more will get practised. And above all, have fun while learning. Learning through movements helps the brain to develop coginitve skills. Understand iwith the body =understand in the brain!
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • The exercise program provides fun activities to develop this development area optimally. There are activities for outside, in the playroom, a group in the circle and individually.
  • Het complete pakket om de oogspieren te ontwikkelen zodat kinderen goed kunnen lezen. Samenwerking van de oogspieren is belangrijk om de leesbeweging te maken en goed van schrift naar schoolbord kunnen schakelen. Met dit pakket krijg je instructies en maar liefst 10 verschillende oefeningen met bijbehorende materialen om aan de slag te gaan. Je kunt checken welke vordering je kind maakt.
  • Schrijfles zonder letters

    48,00 Incl. BTW
    Schrijfles zonder letters is een methode om de motoriek van de handen en vingers te verbeteren. In 8 weken met slechts 10 minuten oefenen per dag zie je enorme verbetering in het vasthouden van het potlood en het handschrift van een kind. Leren door bewegen is de sleutel. Veel plezier met deze unieke schrijfles.  
  • Personal consult

    57,50 Incl. BTW
    Book een personal appointment with Ciska van der Veer on-line. We make a movement plan with excercice and play to practice for you and your child(ren) for learning and development. It will help to improve development of learning skills. Also for teachers and proffesionals who want to get started with learning through movements. A visit to the office in Hommerts ( the Netherlands) is also posible.
  • Sale!

    Lesson folder with exercise programs (Digital)

    Original price was: €165,00.Current price is: €150,00. Incl. BTW
    Do you want to get started with moving learning and are you looking for ideas? With this teaching method you have a reasoned range of lessons for an entire school year. Whether you want to work with moving learning in the classroom, outside or individually, you will find it all in this clear folder. All development areas are covered and the SLO goals that you have to tick off at the end of the school year are incorporated in this teaching method. A tracking system makes it complete so that you can register the progress of children. The method can be downloaded as a PDF but can also be ordered as a folder so that you can easily browse and have a better overview.
  • Beweegpakket voor lezen

    159,00 Incl. BTW
    Wil jij "bewegend leren" thuis toepassen voor je kind zodat hij beter gaat lezen? Start nu met dit volledig pakket. Een uitgebreid beweegpakket waarin alle ontwikkelgebieden aan bod komen voor een stevig basis. Al spelend gaan jullie aan de slag met de motoriek. Doordat het brein ontwikkelt via bewegen en spelen wordt lezen makkelijker. Met de bijgevoegde instructies kun je meteen aan de slag!
  • Do you want to get started with moving learning and are you looking for ideas? With this teaching method you have a reasoned range of lessons for an entire school year. Whether you want to work with moving learning in the classroom, outside or individually, you will find it all in this clear folder. All development areas are covered and the SLO goals that you have to tick off at the end of the school year are incorporated in this teaching method. A tracking system makes it complete so that you can register the progress of children. The method can be downloaded as a PDF but can also be ordered as a folder so that you can easily browse and have a better overview.
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